Section: New Software and Platforms


COEL - Computational Optics Experimentation Laboratory

We are setting a dedicated experimentation facility up to validate our theoretical tools to design hybrid (optics & computer sciences) systems by creating real setups. Such a facility is unique thanks to the close collaboration between optics and computer science in Bordeaux. Now located in the LP2N, this laboratory consists in a set of on-the-shell elements to design optical systems combined with controllable large-band lighting systems (from pure white sources, to tunable lasers and video-projectors), with a fabrication laboratory to build non-conventional components, with large-scale mechanical elements, with display technologies, and high-performance processing resources.

After initial delays, the lab has now found its final location in LP2N. The basic equipment is in place and first experiments are being performed. We still have to work on the illumination conditions in the room, as well as on the construction of a light-sealed control area inside the experimentation room for independent experiments.

The construction and equipment is financed by a special regional grant of the "Conseil Régional d'Acquitaine" (Carer xD) in conjunction with project-specific funds.